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Sanitise Your Water Cooler

Sanitise Your Water Cooler

If you have a bottled water cooler, we are sure you have come across a sticky water dispenser tap or stubborn, hard to remove stains from water running down the side of the cooler. Did you know that these issues could be the cause of many illnesses if not treated regularly?

Germs! Germs! Germs!

Occasionally, scare stories appear in the media that warn us of the problems with filling water bottles from water coolers. The ‘germs’ around the top of the bottle are transferred from bottle to dispenser and thus, everyone shares the germs of the last user and so on.

Likewise, not everyone has the same scrupulous hand washing regimen as you and thus, taps and dispensers that are frequently used could carry some unseen and unpleasant bacteria.

The good news is, all you require to keep your bottled water cooler hygienic is a sanitisation kit

Airborne dust and grime

Like all other surfaces, dust and grime settle on it and, to keep it clean, it will need a wipe every now and then. We always suggest placing your water cooler in a well-ventilated area and one that is not subjected to a lot of dust and air-borne particles floating about.

Where to Position Your Cooler


If possible, avoid putting your bottled water cooler in direct sunlight as the rays cause water to warm which creates an environment for germs and algae to thrive. Thus, causing green mould to grow in certain areas.


Humid areas, which are not ventilated by a window or a fan to keep consistent air flow, can create an environment for germs to spread. This can cause the wear and tear of the water cooler to escalate quicker than usual. If possible, opt to position it close to a window or a well-ventilated room.

The Water Cooler Company offers a broad range of drinking fountains and water coolers for rent in your office or home. Contact us today to find out more about our rental coolers – call 0845 500 4455 or visit

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